News Item
OCaM Open House at Ideafest 2020
Mar 09, 2020
We will be holding an open house as part of the Libraries' Ideafest 2020 event, Class of 2030: Your UVic library of the future.
All are welcome! Drop in to play games, chat about old computers, or simply experience the computing world of yesteryear. Although the collection has been featured in previous Ideafests, more of it will be on view this time around. This is the first time we will be showcasing the collection in its permanent home.
The Open House will run from 10:00am to 2:00pm on Saturday, March 7th. Hope to see you there!
Update March 9: And it's a wrap! Thanks to everyone who came by, and particular thanks to Jacob Lower, Marcel Ras, and Jack Durno for helping to make the event the success it was.
We made the front page of Oak Bay News and appeared in other regional news outlets, including Saanich News and Victoria News. The latter was picked up by Library Journal INFODocket
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